free trade hall
copy of painting courtesy of Manchester Central Library, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council
PETERLOO 16th August,1819
Meeting:  St Peter's Field, Manchester The project is now closed

A project to Discover the Stories of those people who attended the Peterloo demonstration

Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society is launching a project to find the descendants of those attending the peaceful demostration that has become known as the Peterloo Massacre.  We want to record their stories.

Please help us.

We will never know the true number of casualties as all injured persons would have had to pay for any treatment received.  Many would just go to the local "wise-women" or midwife for treatment.  Many hid in pubs etc., to avoid being arrested.  We want their stories to create a lasting memorial to them.

We have the kind permission of Dr. Michael Bush and his publishers Carnegie Publishing to use the information from his book, which we have duplicated statistics shown in Misc., also the kind permission of Peter Castree, to use the list he has compiled, by clicking on the Casualties tab.  It is linked to another website, which includes not only the casualties, but witnesses, Cavalry men and special constables, Magistrates, and any one else who may have been there.

If any queries please contact the society -

Last updated 30th September 2019